THAT1583-5173-DEMO 话筒前置演示开发板

  • “组合” XLR/TRS 平衡输入,带可切换 48V 幻象电源
  • XLR 和 TRS 连接器上的平衡音频输出
  • 支持专业音频信号电平:+26 dBu(输入和输出,±15V 电源)
  • 增益(测量输入到输出)以 3dB 步进可调:0-63dB
  • USB 1.1 和 USB 2.0 兼容控制端口
  • 用于控制 5173 参数的图形用户界面软件
  • 宽敞的原型制作区域


THAT 5173-DEMO 数控麦克风前置放大器演示板允许开发人员使用不断增长的 THAT 差分输出麦克风前置放大器系列中的任何成员来评估 THAT5173 数字增益控制器 IC。演示了一个功能齐全的麦克风前置放大器,具有幻象电源切换和故障保护、麦克风/线路切换、RFI 滤波和输出调节。该板通过 USB 由用户友好的 PC 图形用户界面控制。


The THAT 5173-DEMO Digitally-Controlled Mic Preamp Demo Board allows developers to evaluate the THAT5173 digital gain controller IC with any member of the growing family of THAT differential output microphone preamplifiers. A fully-featured microphone preamplifier is demonstrated with phantom power switching and fault protection, mic/line switching, RFI filtering, and output conditioning. The board is controlled by a user-friendly PC graphical user interface over USB.

A prototyping area is available for adding or modifying circuitry.


Data Sheet