- 首页
- 产品中心
- 集成电路 Integrated Circuits (ICs)
- 模拟引擎 Analog Engine
- 模拟开关 Analog Switch
- 音频放大器 Audio Amplifiers
- 音频转换器 Audio Converters
- 音频开关 Audio Switch
- D类放大器 Class D Amplifiers
- 比较器 Comparators
- 数字信号处理器 Digital Signal Processors (DSP)
- 麦克风增益控制器 Microphone Gain Controllers
- LED驱动器 LED Drivers
- 线路驱动器 Line Driver
- 平衡线路接收器 Balanced Line Receivers
- MEMS麦克风 MEMS Microphones
- 麦克风前置放大器 Microphone Pre-amplifiers
- 运算放大器 Operational Amplifiers
- 石英振荡器驱动器 Quartz Oscillator Drivers
- 压电驱动器 Piezo Drivers
- 通讯 Telephony
- 压控放大器 Voltage Controlled Amplifiers (VCA)
- 音量控制 Volume Control
- 晶振IC Crystal Oscillator IC's
- 传感器 Sensor Signal Interface
- 集成电路 Integrated Circuits (ICs)
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- 长期供应保证
- 工业温度范围
- 严格筛选零现场故障
- 自动编程和擦除
- 快速写入周期时间 200μs
- 无需外部缓冲的快速数据复制
内存大小 Memory Size | 4Gbit |
组织 Organisation | 512Mx8 |
电源电压 Supply Voltage | 2.7~3.6V |
页大小 Page Size | 2K+128 |
顺序读取速度 Sequential Read Speed | 20ns |
Netsol NAND Flash针对产品设计周期长5-10年,工作寿命10年以上的产品。这些部件都经过额外的筛选,以确保零现场故障。
Netsol NAND Flash is aimed at products with a long product design cycle of 5-10 years, plus long working life of 10+ years. The parts are subject to additional screening to ensure there are zero field failures.
The parts are cost effective for a wide range of applications from smart meters and test equipment to musical instruments.