TDA2030AL 单通道AF功率放大器

  • 外部元件数量少
  • 输出晶体管的安全工作区
  • 极低失真
  • 所有引脚之间的短路保护
  • 热关断保护


电路数 Number of Circuits 1
功率 Power 18W
标注1 Note 1 into 4Ω
电源电压(最大) Supply Voltage (maximum) ±22V
电源电压(最低) Supply Voltage (minimum) ±6V
总谐波失真 Total Harmonic Distortion 0.03%
标注2 Note 2 at 14W into 4Ω
频宽 Bandwidth 100kHz
压摆率 Slew Rate 8V/μs
静音控制 Mute Control No
待机控制 Stand-by Control No


UTC TDA2030 是一款单片集成电路,专为用作 AB 类音频放大器而设计。

它可以为 4R 负载提供典型的 14W 音乐功率。

该器件凭借其低组件数量和稳健设计的优势,最适合 Hi-Fi 和 TV 应用。

The UTC TDA2030 is a monolithic integrated circuit designed specifically for use as a class AB audio amplifier.

It can deliver typically 14W music power into 4R load.

The device is most suitable for both Hi-Fi and TV applications on the strength of its low component count and robust design.


Data Sheet