NJM7905FA 负电压调节器

  • 内部短路电流限制
  • 内部热过载保护
  • 出色的纹波抑制
  • 保证 1.5A 输出电流


电压 Voltage -5V
家庭电压范围 Family Voltage Range
输出电流 Output Current
电源电压(最大) Supply Voltage (maximum)
参考电压容差 Voltage Reference Tolerance
压降电压 Drop-out Voltage
纹波抑制比 Ripple Rejection Ratio
静态电流 Quiescent Current


NJM7900 系列单片 3 端子负电压调节器旨在作为流行的 NJM7800 系列正电压调节器的补充,并提供 –5 至 –24V 的相同电压选项。

The NJM7900 series of Monolithic 3-Terminal Negative Voltage Regulators are intended as complements to the popular NJM7800 series of positive voltage regulators, and available in the same voltage options from –5 to –24V.