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ICEPOWER1500S-69V 专业音频通用电源
- 可提供多达 8 个 ICEpower 400A2 或 300A2 放大器模块
- 通用电源
- 1500W输出功率,2400W峰值
- 功率因数校正
- 60W辅助电源
- 上市时间短 - 预先批准和验证符合 EMC 标准
电压 Voltage | 69V |
功率 Power | 1,500W |
电源电压(最低) Supply Voltage (minimum) | 85V |
电源电压(最大) Supply Voltage (maximum) | 264V |
宽度 Width | 132mm |
长度 Length | 244mm |
高度 Height | 68mm |
2022 年年中上市。
在开创了新的 D 类放大器技术并声称自己是高端发烧友接受的 D 类放大器模块领域的领导者之后,ICEpower 现在利用他们丰富的知识和经验开发了他们的第一个专业音频独立电源 - 1500S 通用电源。
1500S 具有统一功率因数校正功能,可优化使用交流电源和辅助电源。电源还提供全面的保护和监控,以及易于使用的控制界面。
1500S 可提供多达 8 倍的新型 ICEpower 400A2 或 300A2 直流有源放大器模块,在 BTL 模式下最多可启用 8 个通道,在 SE 模式下可启用多达 16 个通道。
Available mid-2022.
Having pioneered new Class D amplifier techniques and asserted themselves as leaders in high-end audiophile accepted Class D amplifier modules, ICEpower has now utilized their vast knowledge and experience to develop their first separate power supply for professional audio – the 1500S Universal Mains Power Supply.
The 1500S features unity power factor correction for optimal usage of AC power and an auxiliary power supply. The power supply also provides comprehensive protection and monitoring but also an easy-to-use control interface.
The 1500S can supply up to 8x of the new ICEpower 400A2 or 300A2 DC powered amplifier modules, enabling up to 8 channels in BTL mode or 16 channels in SE mode.